Indika came for a day visit to Waiheke when he had just moved to New Zealand. He loved it so much he decided to start living there. For someone from Srilanka, "it was like home, just without the coconut trees". 

 Today, he owns his own food truck, Indy's Curry pot which serves up delicious Srilankan curries and fusion Srilankan food on Waiheke Island. But the journey to this seemingly 'dream job' has taken a serious amount of hustle on Indika's part. He's gone from cooking a curry as the staff meal at the vineyard he worked at to hosting a popup Curry Monday on his only day off in the week to now owning his food truck. How did he do it? You're going to have to listen to the whole episode for that!

 On the show we chat about:

Is there a thing like too much curry?How is a Srilankan curry different to an Indian oneWhere in Auckland can you tuck into some Srilankan foodFollowing the slow path to food entrepreneurshipDoing business on Waiheke Island - is it hard?

 Favourite quotes:

“Growing up, was it curry every night? Oh yes. Sometimes, it was curry three times a day, even for breakfast!”