This week, Ben Eagle is joined by Organic dairy farmer and ‘Down to Earth’ event host Tim Downes alongside Kite Partner Ainsley Baker. Tim describes how he has adopted Regenerative agriculture principles on his farm and the results he has seen and shares the reasons he thinks farmers who want to know more about Regen should visit the Down to Earth event. Ainsley and Tim discuss the viability of incorporating Regen principles into their farming businesses, the challenges they are likely to encounter and the opportunities a move to a more mixed farming business my offer. After a positive GDT result this week Chris Walkland gives an upbeat milk market report. Please note: The information provided during this podcast has been
prepared for general informational purposes only and does not constitute
advice. The information must not be relied upon for any purpose and no
representation or warranty is given as to its accuracy, completeness or
otherwise. Any reference to other organisations, businesses or products
during the podcast are not endorsements or recommendations of Dairy
Consulting Ltd or its affiliated companies. The views of the presenter
are personal and may not be the views of Dairy Consulting Ltd. The
contents of this podcast are the copyright of Dairy Consulting Ltd.