Following Chris' report this week, Will and Ben are joined by Lancashire dairy farmer Ed Towers and Kite consultant Tillie Williams to discuss the importance of investing in people. Ed and Tillie address the challenges associated with labour in agriculture, noting that labour costs are the second-largest expense on a farm. They explore how investing in employee development and training can positively impact the business, even if the benefits are not directly financial, by improving the business retention and positively influencing recruitment efforts. Tillie also discusses how changes in government and the likely resultant policies may affect employment and recruitment efforts.Please note: The information provided during this podcast has been
prepared for general informational purposes only and does not constitute
advice. The information must not be relied upon for any purpose and no
representation or warranty is given as to its accuracy, completeness or
otherwise. Any reference to other organisations, businesses or products
during the podcast are not endorsements or recommendations of Dairy
Consulting Ltd or its affiliated companies. The views of the presenter
are personal and may not be the views of Dairy Consulting Ltd. The
contents of this podcast are the copyright of Dairy Consulting Ltd.