After Chris’ milk market report this week, Will, Ben and Becki are joined by Lyndon Edwards, AHDB’s Dairy Sector Council Chair and a dairy, beef and arable farmer from near Chepstow. Lyndon outlines how farmer feedback has influenced the sector priorities and delivery over the previous months, including increasing their work on dairy marketing, exports and reputation management and a recent trip to Anuga to promote dairy products across the globe. They discuss the proposed levy increase and how this would enable further work in these areas plus other areas of focus to deliver value back to farm. Lyndon discusses with Becki what they are doing to change the narrative around dairy emissions, reframing the cow as the hero in the story and the need to concentrate on the positive benefits of dairy. They also touch upon the recently appointed five extra agri-food attachés from the government to help boost the UK’s agri-food export and what this could mean for the industry and future of dairy.Please note: The information provided during this podcast has been
prepared for general informational purposes only and does not constitute
advice. The information must not be relied upon for any purpose and no
representation or warranty is given as to its accuracy, completeness or
otherwise. Any reference to other organisations, businesses or products
during the podcast are not endorsements or recommendations of Dairy
Consulting Ltd or its affiliated companies. The views of the presenter
are personal and may not be the views of Dairy Consulting Ltd. The
contents of this podcast are the copyright of Dairy Consulting Ltd.