Ring in the New Year with the KST boys as they take a look back at the year that was in KISS and in KST, open up the mailbag, and play the now traditional KISS trivia drinking game with a very special guest- Matt Porter of The KISS Room! Have a happy and safe New Year's everyone- Please only play along if you're of legal age and not driving *anywhere*. We like our fan base alive and out of jail! See y'all in 2015 for our Hoverboards!

Ring in the New Year with the KST boys as they take a look back at the year that was in KISS and in KST, open up the mailbag, and play the now traditional KISS trivia drinking game with a very special guest- Matt Porter of The KISS Room! Have a happy and safe New Year's everyone- Please only play along if you're of legal age and not driving *anywhere*. We like our fan base alive and out of jail! See y'all in 2015 for our Hoverboards!