In this special episode of the "Kiss My Assets" podcast, host Heather welcomes two special guests, Heidi and Colby, to unveil the newly released investor platform. The team has been diligently working for almost a year to improve the existing platform and make it more user-friendly. The highlight of the new platform is the performance chart, which tracks the growth of investments over time, allowing investors to visualize their progress. This feature has been challenging to develop but ultimately rewarding. The team is excited to offer investors the ability to track their returns and witness the growth of their investments.


Accessibility and customization were key focuses during the development of the new platform. The team aimed to create a unique experience tailored specifically for their investors. Along with the performance chart, the platform offers a comprehensive view of total investments and a distribution chart, which showcases the source and amount of distributions. The team took into account valuable feedback from investors and worked hard to address their needs, ensuring a seamless and passive income-building experience.


Through collaboration with the development team, Colby successfully managed the project, turning the dream of an individualized and user-friendly platform into a reality. The team is proud of the outcome and the fulfillment of many items on their initial wish list. They are eager to gather more feedback from investors and continue enhancing the platform with new updates. By providing an innovative and intuitive dashboard, they aim to reflect the company's growth and commitment to improvement, aligning with their mission of being an innovative and evolving company in the investment space.