Previous Episode: #191 – Nipple Suit
Next Episode: #193 – Flying Unicorn

No sound bars or fucking bells... Katie's favorite subject - herself and upcoming projects... A movie Katie stars in, is now available at Wal-mart, go figure... Katie's rules of entering the mile high club, a story of a couple attempting entry, and their subsequent arrest... List of things women can do to turn men on... The Bearded Vapist... Vics Vapo Rub - new pussy scent for woman, or not, or just leave the person that doesn't like the way it smells... Episode of "Squirrel'd Up Katie"... Katie makes a new segment without telling anyone, apparently it is related to either dicks, drugs, or electric fences... A breakdown of Katie's pole dance judging at Roscoe's Chili Cookoff... Get the herp from a tester lip stick and slap a lawsuit on someone for the privilege.