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Get the official NOVEL ADAPTATIONS (Deleted Scenes, 2-weeks early, Breaking Kayfabe)

Previously on Kings of the Ring,

Diamond Donny Gold healed enough to walk and has been working hard on possibly wrestling. After Miss Kitty promised to sleep with Daniel Hawkins if he gets Barry Lovelace the World title, Hawkins orders Jesse James to book the match, sending Jesse into a major quandry.

Julian Cain sent special project Vance Armstrong to Calgary to train with the legendary Frankie Lovejoy, Charlie Gotch and Julian Cain engage in a head to head war across the midwest, pulling out all the stops.

All-South Wrestling works on creating their own version of the Rock'n'Rollers, while Gabriel Angel & Denny Wayne were arrested together after a wild night.

Kings of the Ring is intended for mature audiences. Today’s episode would be rated MA for graphic and disgusting sexual dialogue and profanity.

"Kings of the Ring" is written and directed by @SteveTeTai.  Sound Design and editing by Mana Sports Media. Voice characterization by Steve Te Tai, with Guest Voice Actors:

Lanny Poffo (WWE)
RJ City (AEW) Hey EWW! Playlist!
Cyrus Fees (UFC) LINKS HERE!
Evan Ginzburg (350 Days, The Wrestler) LINKS HERE! 
LA Smooth (Samoan Dynasty/Bloodline) LINKS HERE!

For any questions or feedback email us at [email protected]

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