R.I.P. Lanny Poffo 1954-2023

This season is dedicated to the memory of Lanny Poffo, who graced KINGS OF THE RING as a Guest Voice Actor for this Season 5 into Season 6. Thanks so much Lanny for helping this little show and for your lasting legacy in the wrestling business...

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It's Civil War everywhere in the Kingsverse as 1986 kicks off!

Previously on Kings of the Ring,

The Super Bowl of Wrestling blew up in everyone's face, with tensions sky high between all Heads of the World Wrestling Alliance while Thor Hansen started distancing himself from Julian Cain and Nigel Davies, crediting a new agent for doing more for his movie career.

Thanks to the support of Miss Kitty and some tribal soul searching, Diamond Donny Gold is on the way to recovery from his paralytic back breaking, however Beautiful Barry Lovelace did not appreciate how close his wife got with the Golden one, with everyone believing their having an affair.

Apollo Sampson had a bizarre cage match with his real life tormentor Brick Sawyer and ended up running away mid-match and walked straight out the door, and Charlie Gotch finally conceded to son Nelly, to let him steer AMW, as long as priority is placed on eliminating Julian Cain and the EWF.

Jesse James has major heat on him from the Alliance and the fans for the perception that he caused famous comedian Jimmy Buck to commit suicide following his slap on national TV before 25 million viewers.

After getting so much heat from Nigel, Arnold, and everyone else for putting Empire-Mania 2 in Milwaukee, Julian Cain boasted that Empire-Mania III would come from a stadium. And after a year of watching all Alliance territories catch fire using the bouncers turned wrestlers from a tiny saloon in the upper Midwest, Julian paid his own visit and may have found the best of the bunch, who was ditched by the others and is looking to make his own mark in the wrestling business.

Kings of the Ring is intended for mature audiences. Today’s episode would be rated MA for profanity, violence, and sexual dialogue. 

"Kings of the Ring" is written and directed by @SteveTeTai.  Sound Design and editing by Mana Sports Media. Voice characterization by Steve Te Tai, with Guest Voice Actors:

Lanny Poffo (WWE)
RJ City (AEW) Hey EWW! Playlist!
Cyrus Fees (UFC) LINKS HERE!
Evan Ginzburg (350 Days, The Wrestler) LINKS HERE! 
LA Smooth (Samoan Dynasty/Bloodline) LINKS HERE!

For any questions or feedback email us at [email protected]

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