It's the "Chi-Town Rumble"! Part 4 of the Pilot story for Wrestling's 1st Audio Drama Podcast!

"Kings of the Ring" was created and written by @SteveTeTai and produced by "Mana Sports Media".  For any questions or feedback email us at [email protected].

Previously on the "Kings of the Ring" …

Bobby Rivers and Criss Stanley's night out with some "fans" turned violent and Tama was forced to intervene.  "Diamond" Donny Gold’s hot angle with long-time rival "Outlaw" Jesse James on WVBS was revisited, and "Prince" Abdullah Akbar prepared for his major main event challenge to ESWF champ Dan Sanders, while Julian Cain took things to the extreme to entice Michael Angel to leave his father's All-South Wrestling for the Empire. "Hollywood" Buddy Melrose and "Big" Thor Hanson dominated as AMW's top heel tag team, and Julian Cain set in motion his plan of action ...

Check out the special Director's Commentary podcast series available on

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