Welcome to Writing Week - my FREE 7-day nonfiction writing
challenge. I know that self-doubt, fear, and self-sabatoge are some
of the biggest obstacles we face as writers. We all struggle with
this at times. That’s why I believe this day of the challenge is so
crucial to your long term success. With the help of my husband CJ,
we wrote 72 affirmations for writers. There are 45 general
affirmations and 27 affirmations based on scripture. These PDF
handouts are available for you to download in your resources
section for today in the member’s area. Join us at:

This episode is sponsored by www.WritingWeek.com. Learn to how
to write faster and better during this 7-day challenge and how to
personalize each step to what works best for YOU. Download your
Writing Week Journal (excel, PDF or .doc), 30-day writing challenge
calendar, affirmations, and more! Overcome the barriers that have
been keeping you from making progress in your nonfiction