When we read the story of the wedding at Cana and Jesus turning water into wine (John 2:1-11) we see several characters we can identify with. 

Mary shows us to expect Jesus to do big things, but not to tell Him how to do them

The servants show us to obey Jesus without question and to the “brim”, and to enjoy being part of the miracle

The bridegroom shows us that Jesus loves to save the day and give extravagant gifts

The master of the feast shows us that Jesus saves the best for last

The disciples show us that this miracle was for real

Regarding the servants filling the 6 stone pots to the brim, Charles Spurgeon said this is the pattern for our faith and obedience…

“When you are bidden to believe in him, believe in him up to the brim. When you are told to love him, love him up to the brim. When you are commanded to serve him, serve him up to the brim.”

We can add, when you are called to write words that glorify God, write those words up to the brim.


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