Join Shelley Hitz and several authors from Christian Book Academy who will share case studies + tips they've learned along the way.

A few things you'll learn:

✅ The one thing that helped Heather Erdmann finally finish her first draft so she was able to publish her first book (previously she got stuck and never finished more than a few pages).

✅ How MaryAnn Ward combined her passion for art and writing into an unexpected book that wasn’t even on her radar…and it has already sold more than 100 copies.

✅ The strategy that helped Lauren Darroch overcome “writer’s guilt” and finally start writing consistently. She’s more productive than ever, publishing book twins (two books at the same time) and is now working on her third one. WooHoo!

✅ Denise Goosby received strategy, focus, and her next steps from the Lord for her writing that made all the difference.

✅ Shelly Laroque published her second book and learned techniques that helped her complete her illustrations.

And more!

Support each of these authors by purchasing their books below.

Heather Erdmann: "Unlocking the Mystery of Marriage: Loving Your Spouse the Way Christ Loves the Church" Mary Ann Ward: A Name Above All Others Lauren Darroch: The Road from Damascus Denise Goosby: "Scarred Like Him: Seeing the Beauty in the Life You Live"   Shelly Laroque: The Sunflower Journey, Plant The Seed And Watch It Grow

Join our community of Kingdom Writers in our online membership, Christian Book Academy here:

Download Your Publishing Map

If you want to write and publish a book but don't know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley's 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps.

Download it now for free here: