Self-publishing can be overwhelming and expensive. You've done some research and have been praying about the best way to publish your book.

However, you have some doubts and hesitations.

I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.

Don’t let paralysis of analysis keep your book as an unfinished project on your computer's hard drive or in your notebooks gathering dust. Instead, let’s breakthrough the myths that may be holding you back.

Myth #1: Traditionally published books are of better quality than self-published books.

The truth is that self-published books can have the same quality as a book published with a traditional publisher. There are certain things you can do to make sure that when someone picks up your book they won’t know it has been independently published. 

If you want to self-publish a book that has a quality interior design (on a budget), be sure to check out Dave Chesson’s presentation at our upcoming Kingdom Writers Conference!

Myth #2: It costs thousands of dollars to self-publish a book.

The truth is that you can get a high-quality book self-published without breaking the bank.

Many writers get confused between self-publishing and vanity publishing.

Vanity publishing is when a small publisher agrees to publish your book at your cost. They typically charge thousands of dollars for this service. Plus, in order for you AND your publisher to make money, you have to price your book so high that it’s difficult to sell. It often gets priced right out of the market. 

Professional editing will be one of your biggest costs with self-publishing. Therefore, if you want to learn 3 ways to cut costs with editing, be sure to check out Debra L. Butterfield’s presentation at our upcoming Kingdom Writers Conference!

Myth #3: Self-publishing a book is overwhelming

Yes, writing a book can be overwhelming. I get it. There are so many details. However, what if you start with a short Kindle eBook?

A short book is easy for your readers to consume.  Plus, it’s quicker to write! It’s a quick win and can help you build momentum for the next book. And when you publish as an eBook there are a lot less details to manage. You can always add other versions later.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of writing a short Kindle eBook (and the length I recommend), be sure to check out my presentation at our Kingdom Writers Conference.

Next Steps

Look back at the 3 myths we went over, choose the one that is currently affecting you the most, and take action on it!

And for a whole lot more help with self-publishing on a budget (without compromising quality), check out the FREE Kingdom Writers Conference, Count the Costs edition. We've got 8 seasoned writers and publishers lined up and ready to teach you everything from saving on book cover design to choosing the best formatting software.

Some speakers you might recognize include:

Dave Chesson Matt Tommey Shae Bynes Thomas Umstattd Jr. Heather Hart ...and more!

We kicked off yesterday, on Tuesday May 3rd and this is one event that you can't afford to miss. Click here to learn more:  

Can't wait to see you there!