This is how I typically do prioritize my marketing tasks, but it will be different for each of you. 

My first priority:

Will it produce income? (Long term or short term? What is the profit margin?) Will it build my email list? (Manual or automated?)

My next thought process:

What is the least minimum viable product? Done well, yes. But sometimes we don’t need to do everything right now (ie blog)


What’s required? Will I need to learn a new skill or technology? If I can choose something profitable with what I already have/know, I often choose it. What has worked well for me in the past? 80/20 rule.


I take action and figure it out as I go. Very rarely do I have everything figured out before I take action.


Book Marketing Templates to Save You Time and Money

You’ve got a book you’re proud of. Now you’re looking for a simpler way to get it into the hands of more readers. One way you can do that is through social media. It's free to use...however, it can also take up a lot of your time. 

Good news! 

You can get your social media posts for the next month done in just 90 minutes so that you can reach more readers with your book (without being pushy or salesy) in the Mini-Marketing Messages workshop here: