Do you want to write a book but you're just not sure how you're going to fit it into your schedule or if you have time to actually do it? Keep watching because in the next few minutes I'm going to share with you three different ways to finish a 10,000-word book.

I see writers getting stuck in the stage of trying to write their first draft.

What I have found is there are three main categories you may fit in where you can actually get your book done and your first draft out of your head and onto paper in a much faster time than you ever imagined.

Let’s do a little math together (I promise it won’t make you cry).

Then, let me know which way you think would work best for you.👇🏻

1 - the consistent writer
2 - the chunk writer
3 - speaking your book

Your Book on Paper in Just 90-Minutes

Are you ready to get your book onto paper without the frustration of getting stuck or dealing with writers’ block?

My very first book took me over a year to write.

❌ I was disorganized with messy notes and research scattered everywhere.
❌ I felt overwhelmed trying to figure everything out on my own.
❌ I was exhausted making so many decisions and wondering if I was doing it right. There is a real thing called decision fatigue.

But then… I figured out how to use a few book writing formulas that made the process of getting my book out of my head and onto paper so much easier. I now make decisions quickly and with clarity which allows me to choose a book topic, outline my book, and finish the first draft much faster.

What previously took me a year I can now do in a few weeks or a few months depending on the scope of the book project.

Today I want to teach you these same book writing formulas... Because I know if you’re not feeling stuck and overwhelmed yet, you may be soon.

With my Book Writing Lab workshop, you’re just 90 minutes away from:

✅ Choosing your book topic
✅ Creating a basic book outline
✅ Setting up the writing plan that works for you so you can finish your first draft.

And oh my feels so good to get unstuck and move forward with writing your book. 🤩

When you have clarity on your book topic + a basic outline, you can finally clear the clutter in your head and begin to see the chapters of your book emerge. Yay!

It’s truly an amazing thing. 🙌

Get started now at