As writers, there are things that can stand in the way of seeing the breakthrough of finishing our book.

Sometimes there's an absolute desperation on our part. There are times we can get a little crazy after exhausting all other options.

But when we encounter Jesus, breakthroughs are possible…

Mark 2:1-12

Imagine the testimony of this paralyzed man. He was lowered through a hole in the roof by his friends but walked out the front door under his own power after encountering Jesus.

Sometimes we have to get a little crazy as we find our way around the “crowds” of things that keep us from Jesus.

Desperation sometimes comes after we’ve exhausted other options that haven’t worked (example: woman with the blood issue touching the hem of Jesus’s garment - Mark 5).

This paralyzed man had 4 good friends who helped him. Can you think of 4 people willing to carry you and your book to Jesus in prayer?

“Stunned onlookers” were praising God in verse 12. Our books can have a similar effect as a testimony to God’s work in our lives

Have you felt paralyzed in your writing? Jesus brings life and movement to things that have long been paralyzed.

Here are some recommendations if you get desperate. Decide if you will:

Turn off your phone or all the notifications so you won't get distracted. Take a social media fast for a month so you could finish writing your book. Reserve a hotel room or go somewhere so you have undistracted time to work on your book. Have a week's vacation and focus on writing your book. Form a small prayer team that will pray for you while you write.

So what might it look like for you?

The Power of Having a Weekly Business Meeting with God

Learn the simple steps you can take to implement a weekly business meeting with God. This is one of the most important actions you can take as a Christian writer to ask God for the strategies to write, publish, and market your books successfully.

Get access to the video and PDF download now here: