Welcome to this week’s Mentoring Moment.

This episode has a short training with action steps that you can apply right away to help you as a writer (or to help you market your book).

Today's topic is: Little Tweaks, Big Results

Sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest impact, right?

I think we often assume that to change our lives we need to do something BIG.

But we don’t.

Implementing small habits consistently over time is what truly changes our lives. 

We hope this episode encourages and inspires you.

We have a free gift for you.

There are times we are dealing with writers’ block. We are stuck and nothing flows, right?

We have free training for you on how to conquer writer's block as a Christian writer.

In this training, you will learn 5 practical tips to break through writers' block.

Download our PDF with our best tips here: http://www.trainingauthors.com/breakthrough/

This episode is sponsored by Christian Book Academy where we help you write, independently publish and market your books. We invite you to join our community of Kingdom Writers here: http://christianbookacademy.com