How would a Believer-in-Christ navigate blind spots in their lives? Why are we today journeying through seasons of life blind and still are encouraged to trust? I am blessed that my sister-in-Christ Rohini Hughes is willing to share her journey through this topic.

Ms. Rohini Hughes is first a Christ-Follower and Kingdom Work for Christ with a powerful testimony of GOD’s Leading Hand through unexpected circumstances. Born and raised in a Hindu/Sikh family in New Delhi, India, her loving parents taught her to believe in a God through many forms of Hindu Gods and Sikh Gurus.  However, Christ passionately pursued her heart for His Glory and 18 years ago she accepted Him as LORD and Savior. Today in addition to being an advocate for her own children, she is also a voice for Military Spouses and Children as the founder of her Non Profit Advocacy organization, National Military Spouse Advocacy Organization, ( 

Emma would love to hear from you through [email protected]. For more, visit or A special thanks to Alyce Metallo for her arrangement of Blessed Assurance (My Story), our opening song! Check her out at