What is the Christ Follower & Kingdom Worker for Christ’s response in the midst of a heated and contentious political environment? Over the next couple weeks we will explore  the Christ-Centered reasons Christ Followers choose to vote for the Republican or Democratic Party, or other Independent Parties. Why do some Christ Followers choose not to engage in politics at all? Tune in tonight as I interview Bonny, an anonymized sister-in-Christ’s reasons for historically voting Republican!

Bonny is first a Christ Follower and Kingdom Worker for Christ. As a byproduct, Bonny is the Director of Operations for a Financial Services firm in Northern Virginia began her career in the financial services industry over 20 years ago. Bonny views her vocation as an expression of her faith. For her it is serving God through serving people and is the reason she works for a fee only firm whose values are integrity, service and contribution. It was clear from the beginning that Bonny’s passion was fueled by finance and financial services, whether in the arena of operations, services, or client engagement. Through the years she has served in many management roles from client services to operations.

Emma would love to hear from you through email. [email protected]. For more, visit www.kingdomworkforChrist.com or www.facebook.com/kingdomworkerforChrist. A special thanks to Alyce Metallo for her arrangement of Blessed Assurance (My Story), our opening song! Check her out at www.alycemetallo.com.