Host Emma Boa-Durgammah is humbled to welcome once more a Brother-in-Christ who is a Christ Follower and Kingdom Worker for Christ. Our Brother-in-Christ is actively involved in Law Enforcement and God’s Hands and Feet in this environment. Today he will be continuing to recount his journey with Christ, how this revolutionarily changed his life and the way in which he implements the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 in his day-to-day as a Law Enforcement Officer. What is the role of Kingdom Work for Christ in law enforcement today? Tune in for part 2 of an incredible testimony!

Every week, the Kingdom Work for Christ Online Radio Show addresses the Christ Follower's Purpose in God and how to practically represent Christ every day. Previous shows provide examples of how Kingdom Work for Christ can happen in any environment including: gossip, grief, abortion, youth, resting, chronic illness, the workplace, near death experiences, disagreement, speaking in truth, sexuality, rebuilding after a storm, among others. To listen to previous shows visit

Emma would love to hear from you through email after the show [email protected]. More on Emma can be found at or A very special thanks to Alyce Metallo for her arrangement of Blessed Assurance (My Story), our opening song! Check her out at