Kathryn M. Inman exposes her heart and her faith in her debut book, Counting Spoons. Kathryn is a former Operations Director for a non-profit organization where she worked for over thirty years, then she resigned, traded in her high heels for flip flops, and moved to Hawaii where she discovered her passion for writing. Now semi-retired and back in California, she writes, is an advocate for families affected by addiction, and is determined to spread a message of hope to anyone that will listen.    

Having dealt with many trials in her life, Kathryn is a writer who exposes it all—thick layers of suffering, hard truths, deep pain, and hope in Christ that will leave her readers feeling inspired. She loves Jesus, her husband, their beautiful blended family, healthy living, nature, and horses. Kathryn has a lofty disdain for chocolate, pancakes, and anything sweet—other than her three grandchildren who she claims are the sweetest of all.