What happens when we live in the fullness of joy, lacking nothing because God is the source of our comfort and strength???



The striving laid down.


This week, Kenzie gives us some practicals on how to live in absolute, total, surrendered freedom.

Call to action this week...

Check your soul.

Both morning and night.

How are you feeling? What are some triggers? How can you release that to Him? 

If you have found this episode valuable please take a second and head over to iTunes and drop me a review. I cannot thank you enough for coming alongside me on this journey. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

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Learn more and connect with me at www.trudylonesky.com

Wanna buy my book? Click this link to purchase…https://www.amazon.com/Reclaim-Her-Heart-Trudy-Lonesky/dp/1735632872/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2QX5ERZTDD30R&keywords=reclaim+her+heart&qid=1656072708&s=books&sprefix=reclaim+her+heart%2Cstripbooks%2C83&sr=1-1

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