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Pastor Chris discusses the difficulty of playing different instruments such as flute, oboe, harp, and pipe organ. The oboe requires incredible breath control and perfect conditioning, while the harp has 47 strings and seven-foot pedals. Bagpipes require incredible skill to press the bag just right to get the air going and release the air in the proper way. The pipe organ has all the pistons and stops to make different sounds and different manuals. Leonard Bernstein once said that playing second fiddle is the most difficult instrument to play. John the Baptist was a huge star and attracted many disciples, and his role in relation to Jesus was described in the opening prologue of John's Gospel. Jewish leaders went out from Jerusalem to check out John and wondered if he could be the Messiah or Elijah. John was not the light, but he came to bear witness to the lines. Later in John chapter one, one said, "I baptized with water, but among you stands one who sandal I am not worthy to untie. After me comes a man who ranks before me because he was before me." The attitude of John Baptist is valuable for us to contemplate.