01:55 Discussion Question
07:12 Succinct Summaries
16:11 Max Heart 41-47 Finale!
21:36 Doki Doki 15 & 16
36:35 Delicious Party
44:50 Heartfelt Messages
51:44 Looking Ahead

Lead-In Discussion

We ask ourselves, "How can we bring the identity formula of Ladybug & Cat Noir to PreCure." And stumble upon releasing 2 seasons of PreCure in parallel. We can all dream.

Max Heart

With the conclusion of Max Heart, we focus more on the final battle. As you may have guessed, Joel was lukewarm on the finale, but Kat had more compliments to throw its way.

Doki Doki PreCure

Doki Doki's first episode is about Makoto acting in a play, and it was alright. But then, in the second episode we watched this week, Regina the goblin offers to be Mana's friend, and hijinx ensue! We here at Cure of the WHAT Now?! love Regina. Long may she reign.

Delicious Party PreCure

This week's villain is a robot that is mistaken momentarily for a ghost? I guess there goes Joel's theory about a werewolf Narcistoru, but it's a cute little episode.