I don't have a Best Episode of the Year category, but this conversation would be in the running.

Meg Fisher is a decorated athlete across a variety of disciplines. A walk-on division 1 tennis player in college, she was involved in a tragic accident at the age of 19 that took the love of her life and resulted in an amputated portion of her leg. Not one to watch the grass grow and sit by the sidelines, she's only sped up since then, winning world championships and all shades of Paralympic medals. She's also earned a PhD in Physical Therapy as she helps spread the message that movement is medicine. Meg is a Cannondale athlete and is leading the way for parathletes competing in gravel races of all types.

This conversation is one for the ages and one I know you're going to enjoy.

To watch the Dark Side of the Subjective, you can do so here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeSVMG4GkeQ

Check out the ride Meg and I spoke of, the King Challenge. www.KingChallenge.org