The best "studio" for a podcast recording yet: plowing through the late spring snow in Peter Voller's Land Rover! This King of the Ride conversation takes place while laying the trail for the 2019 VOMAR -- Vermont Overland Maple Adventure Ride. Leading a team of 6 through the rugged Vermont wilderness, Peter plows a path and takes Ted on an adventure unlike any other previous recording. With stories of early road racing, Peter's rise through the ranks and earning a national road race title, his foray into coaching and ultimately where he realizes that hosting an event will have a greater reach to preach the great word that is cycling to the masses, the Vermont Overland was born. One of this country's best gravel events and hands down one of the best house parties of the entire year, Vermont Overland should live on your calendar. This episode is presented by iKOR. iKOR is a clean, natural source of recovery-enhancing hemp extract. They design their products with athletes in mind, and their goal is to protect your body from the stresses of training, improve recovery from intense efforts, and maintain a positive mental state. You can experience meaningful improvements in your well-being through small lifestyle changes, which is why I appreciate the benefits of sleep, relaxation, and mindfulness. Head over to and save 15% by using the code kingoftheride.