In the week that Prince William turned 39, with William busy watching the Euro 2021 football games, Kate was keeping her eyes on her work. In her role as Royal Patron of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice or EACH, a role she has had since 2012, Kate wrote a letter to kick start what is Children’s Hospice Week.

In her letter Kate thanked all of the UK’s 54 children’s hospices and what she called their incredible staff and the life-changing care that these hospices provides. 

Kate wrote of how the last year has been a difficult one for everyone, and especially tough and frightening for families with seriously ill children. Kate reminded us that many families started shielding long before others, worrying about the pandemic and what it might mean for their child.

Kate described children’s hospices as a lifeline, saying that she has been privileged to see first-hand the remarkable work they do. 

EACH runs hospices across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. They first started operating in 1989.

Children’s hospices as with other non-profit organizations have been hit hard by the effects of the pandemic. East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice report that over the last year,  their fundraising events were cancelled and the ability of community and corporate supporters to raise money severely impacted. They say their 43 shops, which raise vital income, had to close for 30 weeks.

Phil Gormley, EACH's Chief Executive, said: "He was extremely grateful to The Duchess for her active support and advocacy,  which is deeply appreciated and valued by both our families and staff."

A look at the EACH website shows exactly how active Kate has been in supporting them during her patronage.  This was one Kate’s first Royal patronages and no doubt this organization holds a special meaning for her. 

Kate was not alone in sending out her thoughts to parents of children using hospice services across the UK. The Duchess of Cornwall also posted her own note to recognize the important service that these organizations provide. 

Camilla said she wanted to send a message to all the families across the country who are caring for terminally ill babies, children and young people. Saying that she recognizes the enormous 'heart-breaking challenges’ they face, adding you are much in my thoughts and prayers

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