Kate and William participated in the UK’s National Day of Reflection, taking place on what was the anniversary of the first UK lockdown, and organized to reflect on Brit’s collective loss, to support those who've been bereaved, and to hope for a brighter future.

The National Day of Reflection, will now be an annual event,  was organized by UK charity Marie Curie, a UK end of life charity. Marie Curie provide frontline nursing and hospice care, a free support line,  and a wealth of information and support on all aspects of dying, death, and bereavement.

Many members of the Royal Family were involved in some way. The Queen gave a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers to the nursing staff at St. Bart’s  hospital in London, where Prince Philip was recently cared for.

Prince Charles, who is patron of Marie Curie, gave a video statement in which he talked about how all Brits, richly diverse,  are untied in doing what is best for others. 

Kate and William stepped out for an in-person visit at Westminster Abbey in London, the location of their wedding almost 10 ten years ago.

At midday Kate and William lit candles and observed a private moment of reflection to remember those who lost their lives in the pandemic, with Kate laying an unadorned bunch of daffodils on the Shrine’s alter in the Abbey. 

The daffodils were a nice touch as the flower is the logo for Marie Curie UK.  Every year the charity sell daffodil pins as part of their Daffodil Appeal fund raiser. 

Since March of 2021, Westminster Abbey has been working as a Covid-19 vaccination hub. Kate and William met with some of the staff and volunteers working at the hub. The couple spoke with staff about their experiences of being involved in the largest ever UK vaccination program  and presumably chatted about being able to work inside the beautiful Abbey.

Kate and William were also pictured chatting to members of the public, there to get their vaccinations.

The UK vaccination program is much more advanced than in many other countries around the world. Let’s hope that they don’t forget to share some of their vaccine to other countries,  including to many of the commonwealth countries. 

 Please keep listening out for future podcasts about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.