This is episode 15 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty.

And today we're talking about why your financial troubles are a gift from God.

I know you've heard me say, if you've been listening to this entire series, that money is our greatest opportunity for expansion here in the 3D. I truly believe it is a test. Now I opened up this podcast saying that your financial troubles are a gift from God. It is a gift because it makes you stop, focus on yourself and reconnect with Source. Because when we know that money comes from us, which means it comes from our vibration, we have to look inward and ask, “Where are my thoughts and feelings all day long?”

It's those thoughts and feelings that attract things to us. And when we're working on creating prosperity and abundance, we are forced to be in that high vibration. We are forced to pay attention to our thoughts and to really know that God, Source, Infinite Intelligence, the Universe, whichever word works for you, is flowing through us in every moment.

See, when things are going really well for us, we get lazy. We get lazy with our thoughts, and we forget to pay attention to what we're thinking and what we're feeling because everything is going great. We get a little lazy and we stop meditating and begin to be highly aware of our thoughts and then what happens is the Universe gives us a big swift kick in the rear end. And it usually shows up in a financial way first. When it shows up financially, we panic and we will turn to God, Source, Infinite Intelligence and say, “I need money!” That moment of panic, forces us to slow down, pay attention, and do the inner work that is necessary to create prosperity.

Money is the greatest test and challenge in our lifetime. Now I'm not saying that there aren’t all sorts of other challenges. Believe me, I know, we all have crazy challenges, but the fact that everyone on this planet needs money to thrive and survive shows us that it is the greatest test for all of us. And that it is something for us to begin to befriend, understand, and have a relationship with at an entirely new level. There has to be a relationship with ourselves and with God to create money.

Our prosperity is driven by our vibration. Where are you vibrationally? What are your thoughts? What are your feelings? And in the moment when something goes amiss and we have these crazy financial situations, it forces us back to the basics. Back to having an awareness of our thoughts and feelings. Because we all know that when things go too smoothly, we do get a little bit lazy. I'm totally guilty of that. I have done that on many occasions… things are going great and for some reason I decide to stop meditating because “all is well.” This usually turns into a mess, no surprise there. I have sworn after my last little fiasco that I created for myself to level myself up and truly master who I am vibrationally so that I can create prosperity and serve on this planet.

So I want you to see your current financial state, if it's not exactly what you desire, as your test and as a gift from God, because it is making you take the time to connect with Source. It's making you take the time to remember that Source flows through you constantly. Which is a reminder of how powerful you are.

We have all forgotten how powerful we are. That's why we have so much struggle here on this planet, because we forgot who we were before we came in. And it's all part of the game. We knew it when we came in, we made the agreement for these lives. Although, now that we're here, we might be wondering why we would have agreed to this, LOL. But we knew it would be fun!

We have to look at every piece of our lives as a game and have fun with it. And when your financial situation isn't what you want it to look like, then that’s when you know you have to reconnect with Source. That's the nudge. Do a double check … Have you been meditating about money/prosperity? Have you been caring for money? Have you been allowing the energy of money to flow to you and from you? Are you in your highest vibration at all times? All those things need to be questioned.

When things start to wobble around you and your 3D reality begins to show you things that you don't truly desire, see the situation as the gift from God. An invitation to get back in touch with who you are, the powerful being that came to this planet.

I’d love to hear about your ah-ha from this episode. Take a picture of this podcast, posted out in social media and tag men, and I will come on by and say, “Hi.” And again, you're not going to want to miss an episode, make sure that you subscribe to this podcast and leave a review if you like what you're hearing. I'll catch you in the next episode.

Key Points:

Financial troubles are an invitation to reconnect with Source We have forgotten how powerful we are as human beings Our thoughts and feelings create our financial reality


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