Previous Episode: #089 Money Consciousness

This is episode 13 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty.

And today we're talking about why not caring for money is keeping you broke.

Now you might be going, wait a minute, in the past episodes, you told me not to think about money. That I shouldn't feel anything about money. There should not be any emotions around money. And now you're telling me that if I don't care about money, it's keeping me broke? Well, yes, you are absolutely right.

Here's the thing. When I'm talking about not thinking about money, I'm really saying not worrying about money. When we worry, we drop into a low vibration and that creates more worry and fear, all around money. Until we master our thoughts and our beliefs around money, that will continue to happen. We'll look at money, we'll think about paying for something, and then our vibration drops because we're worried or we're in fear that we're going to overdraw our account.

These lower vibration feelings come into play when we haven't handled the beliefs behind money. In episode 11, I gave you an exercise about working through the beliefs around money. When we begin to have an awareness of our beliefs, we can neutralize things, and then stop worrying about money.

We don't want to be worrying about money, however, we do want to care about money. Here's what happens with a lot of spiritual people, they are uncomfortable around money, so they ignore it. They kind of just push it to the side and say, “I don't need it. I don't need that much. I don't want money.” Which is really a lie at the end of the day, because we do need it. Plus, I don't know why you wouldn't want to receive energy from Source. To me, that's crazy. But many “spiritual” people shun it. And when you shun it, of course, you're going to repel it. Money is going to run away from you in the other direction.

That's why most spiritual people struggle with their relationship with money. They come from a space of “I don't need it”, but that's the wrong energy. We need to look at money as something amazing. It's energy that has Source flowing through. Every creation on this planet, even if it's created by man, was created by divine inspiration from Source. So when we understand, and have a deep KNOWING that money is energy and that it comes from God/Source/Infinite Intelligence/The Universe, when we know this in every cell of our body, then we have a different outlook on money.

We know that we must care for money. It's this energy that needs to be nurtured and loved. I mean, what needs more love than money? I would say money is probably one of the most despised things on the planet. People are angry because they don't have it. They're angry because other people do have it. And then they're even angry at the people who have it, who aren't ashamed of having it. There's all sorts of craziness that happens with money.

But if we can look at money and say, “It's energy, I get to imbue it with whatever energy I choose, whatever emotion I choose”, then we can look at it and nurture it and give it love and care for it. We should care for money, as we would a small plant that needs to be watered and fed and given sunlight. When we care for our money, it will flow to us more. It will want to come to us because money will feel, “This person cares for me, they respect me. It wants to give me love.” And in that moment, you begin to attract more of it to you because it wants to go to the person who cares for it.

The people who don't care for it, who say they don't need it, they don't want it, that it's bad, that it's evil and all of those things, of course, money's going to run in the other direction. Wouldn't you? You wouldn't want to go hang out with those people. You'd want to hang out with the people that actually cared about you.

Begin to reframe your thoughts and your feelings around money to a feeling of caring. Think of this thing called money, which again is energy, and nurture the energy. Think of it as you would a small plant, a seedling. You're going to take a little seed and you're going to put it into the dirt. And what are you going to do? You're going to give it sunlight. You're going to give it water. You’re going to give it love until it grows and grows into the beautiful tree that then bears fruit for you.

But until you nurture it, it's not going to show up. So you need to have some nurturing feelings, some caring towards money. And if you nurture it as you would this little seed that you put in the ground, if you do that exact same thing with money, then you will have the abundance and the prosperity that you were looking for and that you deserve because that is your natural state.

That’s your new way for you to think about money. I’d love to hear your ah-ha moments from this episode. Take a picture of this podcast, post it out on social media and tag me. And you're not going to want to miss an episode, we’re almost halfway through with our prosperity series. Subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you're hearing, leave a review. I'll catch you in the next episode.

Key Points:

If you don’t care for money you are repelling it Nurture money as you would a seedling You get to imbue money with whatever energy you want, including love


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