In this episode we talk about the phrase “How much does it cost?” - this is a sentence that we’ve been conditioned to ask when we see something that we want, however, what you’re really saying is, ‘Can I actually afford this?’, which comes from a place of lack and scarcity.

When we are vibrationally aligned and connected to Source, we know we are infinite, abundant beings. When you ask the phrase “How much does it cost?” you in scarcity, which actually repels money AWAY from you. To begin to attract abundance, you need to shift your subconscious patterns around money.

In this episode, we also cover how to imbue money with whatever energy you want, so why not imbue it with love. How to reframe “How much does it cost?” so that you can appreciate the energy exchange. And how your money story directly affects the type of clients you attract. What story are you telling? How are you vibrating around money?

When you relax into money and settle into that full trust of Source, then it just shows up, because Abundance is your birthright.

Key Points:

Saying “How much does it cost?” comes from a place of lack & scarcity. Why the phrase “How much does it cost?” disconnects you from Source. We create our reality and part of that is being in vibrational alignment with money. How to create from a place of service and not be in lack Reframing “How much does it cost” so that you are excited from the energy exchange. Recalibrating your money story and what it’s attracting.


If you want to learn more about how to recalibrate your money story and start creating your Spiritual Business, then the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program is for you. And it’s time for you to book a call with my team to see if you qualify for the program:

The world needs spiritual leaders now more than ever. The time is now. Don’t know where to start with your spiritual business? That’s why I created my free training, Jump-Start Your Spiritual Biz. Register here:


Happy Life by Fredji
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