Today we’re discussing how all the IOS changes affect our paid advertising.
You may or may not have heard about the new changes that are coming out via apple - they are putting out a new launch of their software and in this update, people have the option to turn off being targeted for ads.

So what does that mean for you? On your iphone you can turn off your pixel tracker which basically allows for ads to be relevant for you by tracking your likes and dislikes, who you follow, etc. however, if you turn off the option to be tracked, it doesn’t mean that you are not going to see advertising, it just means that the adverts may not be relevant to you.

From an advertiser perspective, it makes it more difficult to advertise as it would be harder to connect with your authentic tribe and receive accurate statistics of your ads.

Tune in to find out more about who it impacts and how it impacts us, and what this means for us (users and advertisers) in the future.

Key Points:

How IOS software changes are going to affect users and advertisers The impact of the new IOS changes How to adapt to the changes

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