We know there are certain steps we need to take to manifest our desires and create prosperity, but our “human” seems to get stuck in the process. Doesn’t it?

If you have been listening to Abraham Hicks, have read The Secret and follow all of the manifestation gurus but still can’t successfully manifest what you want, it is because you are missing this one key step… the deep appreciation for the creation process.

We get so focused on creating what we want in the 3D we miss having fun with CREATING. When we begin to create for the fun of creating, that is when we begin to master our ability to manifest our desires, thus leading us to prosperity.

Key Points:

Our focus needs to be on the creation, not on the 3D manifestation Deep appreciation for the process will speed up your manifestations When our joy comes from creating and not from the “thing” we create, we are on our way to mastery

Turn your divine purpose of raising consciousness into a spiritual business so you can serve on this planet. Learn the 5 shifts my spiritual coaching clients use to create a prosperous life with their spiritual business here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com

Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

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Happy Life by Fredji
SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
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