Special guest, Daniel Pape, an international mindset coach and Hermetic scholar, joins Kimberly Maska Pape to share his thoughts about what is going on during these uncertain times — negative propaganda and agendas being exposed by alternative news sources and how to move past just being aware something isn’t quite adding up and on to solutions. What do we do about this? How do we focus on staying in a higher light and protecting ourselves? This episode is dedicated to focusing on what you can do as a spiritual entrepreneur to uphold your vibration during this chaotic time to be the best version of you.

Key Points:

Where does your inner peace stand? Current events are pushing our boundaries to show us how evolved we actually have become.

Is your own “house” in order? Do you have a foundation built on rock or sand?

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” You have to confront your fears, not suppress them.

Three attributes for utility and growth — honesty, courage, and humility.

Follow your bliss AND follow your “blisters.” If following your bliss was the path to enlightenment, everyone would be enlightened. Balance is needed, so you must also “follow your blisters.”

Instead of looking for a savior outside of yourself, recognize that it’s within.

The integration of the shadow leads to wholeness and builds strength and solidarity. Lack of shadow integration in times such as these can reveal weakness, potentially leaving you vulnerable to manipulation in trying circumstances.


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