WOW! Episode 100… what a labor of love! And this is also episode 22 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

Today I discuss how tithing can change your finances.

Tithing. What is tithing? Tithing has completely shifted my finances and I'm going to share some personal stories around this. First things first, let’s define tithing. Tithing is giving 10% of your income to the Universe, God, Infinite Intelligence, whatever word works best for you. It’s taking the energy of money and putting it back out into the world.

We know that energy needs to flow, it cannot be stagnant. What happens with most people is that they get stagnant with their money. They hang onto it because they have forgotten how powerful they are and they have forgotten their connection to Source. They forget that God is actually their source of abundance. It’s that connection that brings in the money. And so what happens is they get in scarcity mode and then to do tithe, they do not take the energy of money and pass it back out into the world. You can only have two things happen with the energy of money, it can be stagnant or it can flow. We have to make sure it's flowing. You have to be able to release it out so that you can get more back in.

Now, the actual definition of the word tithe, you spell it, T I T H E, is actually 10. So it's talking about 10% of your abundance, of your income. Where does the idea of tithing come from? Where did that concept originate? It originates in the Bible and as part of the Hebrew culture, and it has worked its way into Christian culture and many other churches. Tithing gets a bad rap. People think that churches are being greedy asking for the 10%. But what's happening is they are missing the entire concept behind tithing. Tithing is to keep the energy flow going. It's actually a prosperity law because when you can release things, the more that will come in. It is trust, your connection to Source.

We need to remove the current, religious view of tithing and thinking that it’s the church’s way of getting at your money. We need to get past that. And we need to think about the idea of the energy of money flowing. The energy of money needs to flow out in order for it to flow back in. So how do you do that? You implement tithing. It is an amazing prosperity tool, and I can see a direct correlation between the income in my business and my tithing.

Here's my story. I was first introduced to tithing probably around 10 years ago. Which is funny, because I grew up Catholic, 12 years of Catholic school, and I don't remember the word tithing being discussed at all. Plus, they never described it to you. There was just a little basket that was passed around during mass, and you were supposed to put some money in it. I remember my mom and dad putting their envelope in the basket when we went to church, but no one ever talked about why you should do it or what it meant.

When tithing came into my awareness, it came in as a prosperity law, not as something tied to a church. I loved the idea of it so I started looking around for somewhere to tithe. I meditated on it and I asked Source, “Where should I send this tithe?” I got this clear vision of a Super Soul Sunday episode that I had seen with Oprah and the Reverend Ed Bacon, I can picture him clearly. As it turns out he was a Reverend in Pasadena, California, which is where I was living at the time. I did some research online to find him and discovered that the church that he was associated with was right there in my neighborhood.

I began to tithe to that church and from the act of tithing, I had the opportunity to meet the Reverend Ed Bacon at a luncheon that was held for people who had committed to tithing to the church. See, giving that money then brought in the energy of this connection. We are actually very dear friends with the Reverend Ed Bacon to this day, in fact, he married my husband and I two years ago. The blossoming of that relationship came from sowing of money, the energy of tithing. I also saw the energy of money come into my business as well, and I watched my business begin to flourish. Business was flourishing, amazing things were happening, and then the Reverend Ed Bacon retired from the church in Pasadena. I stopped tithing because it didn’t feel right to tithe to that church anymore and I didn't know where to send my tithe. I stopped tithing for probably about six months. And as I stopped sending the energy of money out, I watched my income begin to dwindle. I thought, “Well, that's interesting.”

I reconnected with the Reverend Ed Bacon, found out which church he was connected with and I began tithing again. Boom! My income begins to go up and up and up. And then, because I'm not anywhere near that church (plus, I don’t actually attend church anyways) something started to feel out of alignment and I stopped tithing again. And what happened? I watched my income drop and drop and drop and drop. It's been a very fascinating process for me to watch. See, part of the issue I had with tithing was that it didn't feel quite right. I understood the law of compensation and I knew I should be tithing, but I couldn’t figure out where to send the money.

I'll be very honest, I have not been tithing for probably the past six months. I have been thinking about it, but I didn't know where to send it because the place I was sending it just didn't feel right. When I had read about tithing before, it always said it needed to go to some sort of institution and it should go to one place so that they get the most benefit. And guys, that's what I was telling you before. Even in my second book, CHAOS: A Wake-Up Call for Lightworkers, I broke down tithing and I had some very specific rules laid out. And I gotta tell you, I've changed my tune. And this new tune feels so good.

You may or may not have heard of Edwene Gaines. She's a retired minister in the New Thought Church, and she has a book called The Four Laws of Prosperity. Now I had never read her book because every time someone heard me speak about money, they asked me if I had studied with her. They would say, “You sound just like Edwene.” And when I hear that, I get a little nervous, because I don't want to read their books and then feel like I'm taking their material. That clearly doesn’t feel right, so I never read her book, although I did have the opportunity to interview her a few years ago and she was amazing.

So about two weeks ago, her book, which I owned, but hadn't read, literally fell at my feet. And I was like, “I got it!” I picked the book and finished it in two days. You see, I had been thinking about and asking Source about tithing, trying to understand what I was to do. When I read Edwene’s book, it was like a massive light bulb went off! She has a very different way of looking at tithing and I love it. I think you're going to love it too. This is what I'm sharing with you today.

We both view tithing as energy that needs to be sent to where you're being spiritually fed, but then she adds a wonderful spin that really feels good, and here's what it is. You should tithe to people who are spiritually feeding you whenever it happens. It doesn't have to be an institution or church or putting all your money in one spot. It's about taking the energy of money and giving it away when it feels good and when someone has spiritually fed you.

She tells a story in her book of being in a restaurant when she was having a bad moment and this waitress gave her a ton of beautiful inspiration, she spiritually fed her. Edwene tithed right then and there to the waitress. As I began to think about what she was putting forth, I could feel spirit bumps everywhere. I began to think, “How cool would that be to be able to just give energy out when it felt right instead of holding onto it and giving it to an institution where you were “supposed to” tithe?” I had been doing the right thing, tithing by the book, but it didn’t necessarily feel great.

I knew this was for me, so I sat down and I made a list of the people who have spiritually fed me. I then took the first money that came in and immediately tithed to Edwene because she really spiritually fed me by bringing clarity to tithing. Then I looked at my list and on my list was a dear friend who always spiritually feeds me. I knew she would receive my next tithe. I was going to tithe to her on a Friday, but I got “ping” from Source to wait. I got the “go ahead” on Sunday and sent the money. I added a beautiful note letting her know I just wanted to thank her and show her appreciation for spiritually feeding me. She was so ecstatic when she received the energy. That morning she had asked Source for a sign, and then my money and note came in. She welled up with tears of gratitude and excitement.

I thought to myself, “This is what tithing is about!” It is meant to feel amazing and feels good. Even I got spirit bumps when I sent out the energy of money and I knew this is what it's all about. This was a major shift for me. I’ve continued to tithe and it is always the same thing, they are in such gratitude for the surprise. I feel like Santa every day. My list of people to tithe to keeps growing, and I am so excited to have tithing as part of my prosperity patterns. I hope you can find the same excitement around it because when we can have the excitement about giving money and then receiving appreciation back, oh, it's beautiful. It is so beautiful.

And then, on top of just feeling good, here's what started to happen. I started to get things for free, just little things at first, then bigger things, a free bottle of wine, free dinner, free spa day. All of a sudden abundance started coming in in different little ways as soon as I started shifting how I tithed.

In the next episode, we're going to talk about the questions around tithing, because there are a bunch. If this is all new to you, let the concept of tithing begin to marinate in your thoughts and in your cells. And the next episode, I’ll answer all of your questions about tithing. I hope you're excited about doing an energy exchange with the Universe and sending the energy of money out so you can receive more of it back in. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast because you don't miss the next episodes going over tithing. And if you'd like what you're hearing, leave a review. I'll catch you in the next episode.

Key Points:

Tithing is a prosperity law You must give to receive Tithing so it feels good is a game changer



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You can find the Edwene Gaines book referenced, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, on Amazon.


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