This is our final episode in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

And my big question to you is, are you 100% committed to your prosperity?

100% committed, this is a very interesting concept. The other day in my Spiritual Biz Coaching program, which has about 20 people in it, I came to the group and I said, “I have a proposition for you. Who wants more prosperity in their lives?” And everyone raised their hand. And my next question was, “Who is 110% committed to creating that prosperity in their lives?” And everyone raised their hand. And then I said, “Who wants to create magic in their lives?” And everyone raised their hand. I said, “Great. I am beta testing this new program, Prosperity Patterns, and I love for you guys to be a part of it, but you have to make a commitment to me. You have to commit to tithing 10% of your gross income.” And then I told them all about what I was creating and gave them the opportunity to send me a message and let me know they were 100% committed to their prosperity.

The amazing thing was not everyone did it. I was actually quite surprised, but the number of people that didn't do it. I had to chuckle because everyone said they were 110% committed, that they wanted more prosperity, they wanted magic, but then they weren't willing to take the step to do the tithing piece, which is a key component in creating the energetic flow of money. I really thought everyone would have joined in the program, which was FREE.

What would you have done? Are you really, really committed to having a prosperous life? Or are you just sort of committed? Are you committed enough to your prosperity that you would tithe 10% of your income? Most people say they want prosperity, but they aren’t ready to do the work.

The deep inner work must be done if you desire to have prosperity in your life. Prosperity takes work, until it doesn’t take work. It’s easy, but it’s not easy. It takes commitment to be in our highest vibration and to master ourselves so that we can master our thoughts around money. It is a commitment that needs to happen constantly all day long. Yes, we'll slip up every now and then and have a low vibration thought, but we need to be able to course correct and come back to our high vibration with our thoughts and feelings. That takes commitment. It takes energy to be aware of what you're doing and to be able to course correct your vibration so you can hold yourself in the highest light and create a prosperous life. You have to be 110% committed.

Are you committed enough to your prosperity to tithe 10% of your income? Or are you only sort of committed to your prosperity? Does tithing feel like too much to you? If you are feeling fear around tithing, then that means you're not trusting Source. When you know, in every cell of your body, that Source is flowing through you in every moment, I don't know why you wouldn't take the leap. The only thing keeping you from being 110% committed and taking the leap is fear. And yet, that fear is probably what got you in the position of scarcity in the first place.

Fear repels money and all sorts of amazing opportunities. You have to do the inner work to be able to trust the process, to trust Source and to trust yourself. When you trust, all of a sudden everything will shift.

If you feel a little or a lot uncomfortable around tithing, just make a 30 day commit to do it. Tell God, Source, Infinite Intelligence, “Hey, I'm going to commit to this, but you've got to show me that this is going to work.” When it comes to tithing, this is the only time in the Bible that God says, “prove me”. If you can do it for 30 days, I absolutely know you're going to see the difference in your life.

Just this past weekend, I told my husband how much fun I was having with tithing! Because when you give the energy of money back out to the Universe, all sorts of amazing experiences come in. I had a woman pay for part of my drink at the store, I received a free lip gloss and someone is paying for our dinner on Wednesday. It's really fun. But what is even more fun is giving the money away.

When you allow yourself to receive, you trust in the process it all works. You must be 110% committed to remove the fear and commit to yourself that you deserve and want a prosperous life. And when you are 110% committed, it will happen. It can't not happen. You've asked the Universe for something, you've gotten into alignment, you’re following the spiritual laws… it has to show up for you unless you are in doubt and fear.

Don’t let fear keep you from having a prosperous life. I said it in a couple episodes ago, the only reason why people fail is because they give up, they stop doing the process. They stop their creation statements. They stop tithing. They get worried. They sit in fear. Then prosperity runs in the other direction.

You need to commit to yourself to be prosperous. It's not that hard, but it is. I know that I know it's difficult to take 10% of your income and put it out to the Universe.

I'm going to come clean with something so that you understand that I know how hard it is to do this. There was a point in time when I was first tithing and my company first started making seven figures. It was our very first of a seven-figure year, and I'm watching the money come in…a hundred thousand dollars a month. That means I was tithing $10,000 a month. And at some point, my human got in the way and said, “Wow, this seems like an awful lot of money to be putting out to the Universe, maybe I should dial it back and tithe off of net income instead of gross income.” I did just that. And what happened? Of course my income dropped. I watched it continue to drop until it clicked about what I had done. I went back to tithing my gross income and my income popped back up again.

See, I get how unnerving it can be to see the money coming in, knowing that there are bills to be paid, and you start second guessing the spiritual laws. We think, “Maybe I'll do 5%. Or maybe I'll start with 3%. Maybe I'll do my net income instead of gross income.” And again, if it isn’t 10% it isn’t tithing.

If you aren’t going to tithe 10%, then you need to have a conversation with God, Source, Infinite Intelligence to know what's right for you. But if you're 110% committed, just jump in, just tithe 10% of your gross income. You won't regret it. It's basically a universal law that it will come back to you. You're releasing the energy of money out so that it will flow back.

If you're 110% committed, take a picture of this podcast posted out in social media and I will come by and support you on your journey. This wraps up our 30 episode prosperity series, the podcast of course continues talking more about your spiritual business. I hope you've gained a ton of information from this series and just know that you've been put on this planet to play the game. The only way to win the game is to be prosperous, which means that you are in peace, mind, body and spirit. Everything flows as you need it and you're never in lack. You deserve to be prosperous, so commit to yourself and make it happen.

As your prosperity stories happen, I want to hear about them. Who knows, maybe you'll be included in my Prosperity Patterns book. So send them on over to [email protected] or tag me out on social media. I'll catch you in the next episode.


Key Points:

You deserve to have a prosperous life If you are 100% committed to your prosperity, you should be tithing If you aren’t tithing, it is only coming from fear & lack


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