Are you worried that if you raise your prices that the “clients” you have won’t be able to afford you? I have to ask you this… why are you holding them in such low light? Why do you think they “can’t”?

As a Spiritual Coach, we are here to hold everyone in their absolute highest light. Which means seeing them in their fullest creative potential. When you increase your pricing, the people who show up are really dedicated. They have to want to show up and really invest in themselves.

Tune in to this episode to find out if you have limiting beliefs about money that are keeping you from your success. I discuss how to shift those and why you should be increasing your prices.

Key Points:

Increasing your price brings in more dedicated and invested clients. Why are you holding your clients in a low light if you’re worried that they can't afford your service. Your clients should be ready to do the energy exchange of money with you in order to really invest in themselves and your services.

If you want to learn more about connecting with your soul tribe and become an extraordinary Spiritual Coach, then the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program is for you. And it’s time for you to book a call with my team to see if you qualify for the program:

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Happy Life by Fredji
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