Do you have lots of clients but no income? That's an interesting problem we’re tackling in today's episode.

What does ‘client’ mean to you? Many times I hear someone say they have clients, but aren’t creating any abundance. When I ask why, they inform me they aren’t charging their clients! If you aren’t getting paid with an energy exchange of money - then they aren’t a client! A client is someone who is willing to pay you, wants to work with you and is excited to work with you.

Plus, the higher your rate is, the more a client will want to work with you, and that is when they get the best results because they are committing to the process.

And most importantly, you have to want to work with that client and like them. A good vibrational fit on both ends is more important than the money aspect.

Key Points:

Defining what a client is. How to avoid ‘push energy’ on people so that you only work with clients who are excited to work with you and give you their money. How setting your rate high results in a higher success rate for your clients shifts. The importance of a good vibrational fit.


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Happy Life by Fredji
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