Are you playing it safe or are you out there ruffling feathers?

Most people play it safe because they don't want to offend anybody or perhaps have some limiting beliefs that they are carrying around like, “I want everybody to like me”. But what happens when you play it safe, is that you aren’t playing at all. You don’t step up and make anything extraordinary happen and fall into the ‘mediocre’ basket.

In order to find your soul tribe, not only do you have to call in people who are your soul connections, but you also have to be able to repel the people who aren’t your tribe, which is why it is important to ruffle some feathers out there. This is KEY to creating your soul tribe and they will follow you as you grow and expand your Spiritual Business.


Key Points:

Why ruffling feathers is the way to go. When you play it safe, you end up not playing at all. Why living extraordinary matters so that you don’t fall into the ‘mediocre’ basket. Repelling people who are not your soul tribe is key for your Spiritual Business.


If you want to learn more about connecting with your soul tribe, then the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program is for you. And it’s time for you to book a call with my team to see if you qualify for the program:

I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered:


Happy Life by Fredji
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