Are you living your highest potential or are you settling for average?

Do you think being average is ok?

In this episode we discuss why being average really is the kiss of death.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that average is ok, because if we’re conditioned to be average, then it is easier to manipulate and control us.

However, when we tap into our higher selves, then we are being the full expression of ourselves which is extraordinary!

When we follow our inspiration, we are following the guidance of our higher self, which leads to to an extraordinary expression of our magnificent selves.

Key Points:

When you’re average you are easily manipulated and controlled by the 3D world, but we are here to connect at a higher level. We were not put on this planet to be average. When you are being triggered, listen to it, your higher self is nudging you to pay attention. Follow your inspiration, it leads to the extraordinary.


If your higher self is inspired by the idea of being a Spiritual Coach, then the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program is for you. And it’s time for you to book a call with my team to see if you qualify for the program:

The world needs spiritual leaders now more than ever. The time is now. Don’t know where to start with your spiritual business? That’s why I created my free training, Jump-Start Your Spiritual Biz. Register here:


Happy Life by Fredji
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