This episode is something a bit different as I am being interviewed by Jack Grabon. Jack is a fellow consciousness explorer based in the US. We met years ago through our shared study of conscientiology. Jack is a psychotherapist and nutritionist with Masters degrees in social and work and applied nutrition. He is also looking at creating his own podcast focused on anomalous or paranormal experiences of consciousness. This has not launched yet and Jack is kindly letting me use this conversation here.

Our conversation ties in nicely with episode 52 where I spoke with Jessica Corneille about Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening experiences, because Jack and I discuss a mentalsoma projection that I had more than 20 years ago. A mental somatic projection can also be referred to as a cosmic consciousness experience and it can profoundly alter the way we see ourselves and the world.

I chose this experience because it was very significant to me, but also because it was quite pure which makes it especially useful for analysis. By pure I mean that it was not caused by drugs, breath work or any other stimulus one can attribute with significantly altering our biochemistry. All that was involved was relaxation and energy exercises, something that some people would not even consider to be real.

Factors like group contagion or hetero-suggestion can also be ruled out. I had the experience during a projective techniques workshop and on that day the goal was indeed for us to have a mental soma projection. But I had low expectations. This was the last of a 4 day workshop and on none of the previous 3 days had I been able to induce the kind of projections that were intended. So I had no expectation of things being any different this day. It is also relevant that I was the only workshop participant that day. So it was only me and the very low key, matter of fact instructor. All I did was lie down and move energy (and if you want to know more about what that involved check out episodes 1 and 53 ) and out of nowhere I experienced a profound alteration of consciousness, deeply shifting the locus of my self-identity for the next 30-40 minutes.

It is a fairly slow conversation as Jack was keen to see what triggers there may be in a person’s life for such experiences. I don’t know that we have the answers, but I do think that studying these experiences is going to be crucial if we want to understand what consciousness is, how it ended up in human form and how we can make the most of our current life.

Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:

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