Imagine being able to transform yourself into someone whose simple presence can bring calm and balance to all kind of environments and social situations. In your family, at work, or anywhere in public. Someone who works hand in hand with the extraphysical helpers for whom you provide an intraphysical entry point for multidimensional assistance. This is a role we can all take on. Not through some mysterious spiritual practice or by becoming saintly, but by attending to our inner emotional life and by developing a consistent practice of working with our energetic body. It is this latter aspect that is the focus today.

Understanding and consciously working with our bioenergies, also known as chi or vital energy, can have a bit impact on our life. It adds to our purpose in life, enabling us to assist many more people than we otherwise could, because our healthy energy is a resource that can support others who are struggling. Regular energy work also greatly enhance our quality of life, helping us have greater vitality, stay more focused and balanced, and generally grounded in life.

Bioenergy work has been my passion for a long time now, but it is not a subject I often get to discuss in detail with people. So I was delighted when I was approached by today’s guests, Marlon Muraro and Fabiana Cerato who wanted to come on and talk about Bioenergetic Mastery. Marlon and Fabiana are volunteers with a conscientiology research organisation called Reaprendentia. If you are new here and don’t know about Conscientiology Marlon and Fabiana do give a brief explanation about it at the beginning of our chat. It is a framework for understanding multidimensionality that I have drawn in for over 2 decades and I still think it is one of the best ways for dissecting and understanding multidimensionality we currently have available to us.

Marlon Muraro is an accountant, Cambrigde certified English teacher, barista, poliglot and world explorer currently living in Bangkok, Thailand. He has been a volunteer of conscientiology since 2008 and an instructor since 2015.  Fabiana Cerato is a polymath with backgrounds in architecture, Positive Psychology, Didactics and Methodology, Project Planning and Building. She has been a self-knowledge researcher and Conscientiology instructor since 1997. She is also a mother of two daughters. Currently she is an entrepreneur, interpreter and writer.

Contact Marlon [email protected]

Contact Fabiana  [email protected]






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