My guest today is Transactional Therapist and long term meditation practitioner Martin Wells. Be aware - be aware of what? Be aware of your body! Those were the instructions of my first ever meditation teacher. From the simple practice he taught I learned that we can always ground ourselves and become present to the moment through awareness of our body, a lesson I still cherish. So I was very happy to have this chance to speak with Martin about his use of mindfulness in therapy. 

Martin has several decades experience as a therapist in the English National Health service, a context in which he regularly gets to apply his practice in complex inter-personal interactions. Discussing Martin’s recent book, Sitting in the Stillness: Freedom from the personal story offered a good opportunity to explore both the benefits of mindfulness, as well as some of its potential risks or draw backs. Other topics we touch on include:

The impact of our ancestors on our emotional life such as repressing anger and conflict among people with trauma background
The jadedness that we can experience on our spiritual journey
The benefits of approaching therapeutic work as a soul to soul or consciousness to consciousness connection 
And the concept of Non-duality 

We use the term Mindfullness quite a bit. Martin defines mindfulness as : Noticing and accepting whatever occurs - so keep that in mind when the term comes up, and as always don’t believe in anything, experiment and have you own experiences. I hope you enjoy this conversation.

Find out more about Martin Wells here:

Find out more about Kim McCaul and his work here:

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