My guest in this episode is the Brazilian architect, urban designer and consciousness researcher Alexandre Balthazar. I first met Alexandre in 1998 when he played a key role in establishing the Centre for Higher Studies of Consciousness in Iguassu Falls Brazil. The Centre for Higher Studies of Consciousness is a multidimensional research campus, multidimensional in the sense that all of the workshops and self-research laboratories established there are designed with an awareness that extraphysical consciousnesses are involved at every step and in the sense that the purpose of the institution is to understand our multidimensional nature more deeply. 

During the interview Alexandre uses the word Cognopolis a few time. The term cognopolis essentially means a city of knowledge and among conscientiologists is used to refer to conscientiology research campuses and the community of people who form around them with the intention of self-research and the completion of group existential programmes. Since helping start the CHSC Alexandre has been involved in the establishment of 3 other campuses across Brazil and this has strongly influenced his passions for the topic of our conversation today which is parareurbanisation. 

In this interview we explore the significant changes occurring on our planet. Spiritual and religious groups for millennia have predicted major changes to the world - be it a second coming, a global flood, or the emergence of a so-called new earth. Conscientiology has its own theory of the evolution of consciousness on this planet. Rather than being brought about by a saviour figure or some sudden event, this theory involves the long term process of para-reurbanisation, which, it is suggested, our planet is currently engaged in. Para-reurbanisation is premised on the understanding that the state of consciousness in the physical dimension is heavily influenced by the states of consciousness in the extraphysical dimensions. So to improve and elevate life in our physical form, we need to transform and heal the conditions of the billions of consciousnesses who surround the planet in extraphysical form.

As Alexandre puts it in the interview, this process will see the earth being transformed from a hospital-school to a school-hospital, i.e. from a space where most of us spend most time being sick and little bit of time learning, to a space where we prioritise learning and only need to take care of our sickness a little bit.

Sound quality and the fact that English is not Alexandre’s first language may require a bit of effort on your part as listener, but there is a lot of rich information in this interview so I encourage you to stay tuned till the end. Apart from giving us a deeper appreciation of the scale of change that we are a part of, I really liked Alexandre’s practical advice about how we can all contribute to parareurbanisation through deepening our compassion and finding ways to assist each other grow in every day life. I also really enjoyed hearing Alexandre’s anecdote of para-diplomacy, i.e. diplomacy across dimensions, when it comes to establishing a cognopolis on the ancestral lands of other people whose ancestors are still present at the site. It is a message any of us living in colonised countries can apply in our own lives and it ties back nicely to Episode 15 of this podcast about ancestral healing.

At some point Alexandre mentions a photo of a stone. You can find this on my website under the notes for this podcast if you want to check it out. 

On my blog you can find a couple of articles about para-reurbanisation if you want to explore this concept more deeply