Thank Jason It’s FRIDAY THE 13TH!! If the fact that Episode 24 disappeared still haunts you, you’re not alone. Patrick & Gena are replacing it with this special edition and bringing along two great guests to help us: leader of the Corpse Club & F This Movie, Patrick Bromley and the co-writer/director of Beyond The Gates, Jackson Stewart! Both of them love Part 5: A New Beginning and they’re here to defend the indefensible as we decide if this movie has an “accidental snuff film” feeling, debate whether anyone involved in the movie has ever met another human being before, compare notes on our new favorite band “Panda” and finally get to the bottom of the weirdest #GetBunked committed to film! Also, is this the only Friday film to feature the breathtaking art of mime? All this and we go to town on a new Choose Your Own Death-venture and you’ve got the best way to ever celebrate Friday the 13th EVER!!

Never fear - new episodes of Kill By Kill are made available every other Friday! Have something to say? Reach out on Twitter @killbykillpod or email us: [email protected]. Follow on IG @killbykillpodcast

Artwork by Josh Hollis:

Kill By Kill theme by Revenge Body. For the full-length version and more great music, head to today!