Thank Jason It’s Friday! This is the first episode of Kill By Kill, where Patrick Hamilton and Gena Radcliffe will unpack all the gory details of horror cinema’s least appreciated element: the characters! And we’re starting with the 1980 slasher classic, Friday the 13th! Our mission is to make it all the way through the entire Friday franchise, one hack, slash and decapitation at a time, since every camper’s untimely end is just the beginning of the jokes we’ll make about them. This week, we talk about our own personal introductions to the Friday franchise before delving into the original film’s cold open (and hot encounter) between Barry & Claudette way back in 1958. The raw sexuality of folk songs, practicalities of dry humping and empty cardboard box throwing accuracy are all on the table before we end with a rousing game of “Would You Rather?” Never fear - new episodes of Kill By Kill are made available every other Friday! Have something to say? Reach out on Twitter @killbykillpod or email us: [email protected]