Enda Walsh has been writing plays for over twenty years. He was born in Ireland, and grew up with a dad who liked to role-play and a mom who was an actor. He didn’t want to write plays at first. He thought he might be in a band, or make movies. Instead he went to Cork in 1993 and started working with a theatre company. Since then, he’s written seventeen theatre plays, two radio plays, three screenplays, the script for a musical and one for an opera! Most of his plays and scripts are adult stories, about very serious adult topics. But he’s also written a theatre play of Roald Dahl’s The Twits and has been working on a movie version of Island of the Aunts (also called Monster Mission), by Eva Ibbotson. For Mr. Walsh, storytelling is part of his nature. “Irish people tell stories,” he said in an interview with the City University of New York television station. “That’s it!”