“Being screen free isn’t about counting minutes on a screen, it’s about choosing moments in real life.” We couldn’t agree more with Andrea Davis, the founder of Better Screen Time. She addresses the benefits of limiting tech, gives ideas for family tech-plans, and shares how we can show healthy screen use as parents! 


Andrea Davis is a former Secondary Ed Teacher turned Screen-Time-Navigator. She is the founder of Better Screen Time, where she shares family-tested ideas from the (tech) trenches as a mom of five. She is on a mission to help parents worry less about tech, and connect more with their kids. Andrea and her husband, Tyler, live in beautiful Hood River, Oregon where they love spending time outdoors as a family.  


Benefits from Limiting Tech: 

More face-to-face time with family and friends  
Better sleep 
Better grades and behaviour in school 
Less access to content that is not age-appropriate  


Adult/Family Tech-Plan Ideas: 

Use TV like an appliance and pull out when in use 
No devices in bedrooms or bathrooms (no screens in isolation; make it family connection based) 
Remember that “safe searches” and limiting websites don’t always help 
Can start kids who need a communication device with a brick phone  


There has to be boundaries and emotional intelligence with these devices, because even as adults, we struggle.  


How To Show Healthy Screen Use As a Working Parent: 

Have your own healthy boundaries  
Consider a social media sabbatical every Sunday (or choose a day) 
Leave phone at home on date night (show prioritizing relationships) 
“Live your tech-life out loud.” Tell kids what you’re doing on your device 
Have specific work hours 


Follow Andrea: https://www.betterscreentime.com 

IG: @betterscreentime  


Her Book, Creating a Tech-Healthy Family - https://www.amazon.ca/Creating-Tech-Healthy-Family-Must-Have-Conversations/dp/1734885904/ref=sr_1_2?crid=MEI0BWXKO19H&keywords=andrea+davis&qid=1655839385&sprefix=an%2Caps%2C941&sr=8-2 


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Today’s Host: @adriannaadventures & @laurenrodycheberle from @kidswhoexplore
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music