How often do you catch yourself saying, “be careful”? Do our kids even know what “be careful” means? Or, do we need to be specific? Do we need to let our children take on some ‘risky play’ to explore the world and see what they are capable of? Brittany Williams is here today to give us insight on all of those questions, and so much more! 


Brittany Williams is from Knoxville, Tennessee. She has worked in Early Childhood Education for around 11 years. Children are a true passion of hers – watching them grow, develop and learn to process the world around them brings her pure joy! 


How to Safely Allow Risky Play (Does That Sound Like an Oxymoron?): 

Talk through and help them assess the risk 
Stay calm FOR them 
Try using constructive words, versus general words, like “be careful” 
Follow the child’s lead in their interests 


“It’s about them exploring for themselves and you being on the sidelines, helping to guide if needed.” 


How You Can Set Up a Good Environment: 

Don’t complain 
Bring positive energy 
Enjoy nature WITH them 
SHOW them 
Don’t force – allow for bodily autonomy  


You can structure the day, or activity, and allow them to choose what they want to do within that setting. 


How to Handle Toddler Tantrums: 

Accept the emotion 
Name the emotion 
Be Aware: Know when it’s going to happen 


Suggested Resources: 

Learning With Nature by Claire Warden 

Wild Play: Parenting Adventures in the Great Outdoors by David Sobel 


Follow Brittany on Instagram: @bbwilliams21 


Thank you L-Bow Mittens for supporting today’s podcast! Find them on IG: @lbowgear or at 


Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music.